Can Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard offer appeal be successful?


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With the UK obstructing approval, what arguments could Xbox make?

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Today on the Eurogamer Newscast we talk about the fallout from today’s significant choice by the UK to obstruct Microsoft’s $68.7 bn Activision Blizzard offer, and whether an appeal might still turn things around.

With the UK regulator releasing a stern caution over how it sees the offer affecting competitiveness amongst cloud video gaming business, it stays to be seen just how much more Microsoft might do to assure the UK without structurally altering the offer. Or does, possibly, Microsoft state the UK should not have quit on this so quickly, by stating a block on the offer was just the most simple choice?

Do we believe an appeal could still be successful? And what will it take? Joining me to share their ideas are Eurogamer’s Ed Nightingale and Victoria Kennedy.

Broadcast: Can Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard offer appeal be successful?

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