Dow Jones Newswires: China’s commerce ministry calls Australia’s TikTok restriction ‘prejudiced’

China’s commerce ministry on Friday called Canberra’s relocate to prohibit video-sharing app TikTok on federal government gadgets “inequitable,” stating that it will injure worldwide self-confidence in Australia’s company environment.

The remarks followed Australia revealed the restriction previously today in the wake of the U.S. and other intelligence-sharing allies taking comparable actions versus Beijing-based TikTok, owned by ByteDance Ltd.

” We advise the Australian side to deal with all kinds of business relatively and justly, supply an open, transparent and non-discriminatory service environment, while developing a beneficial environment for the advancement of China-Australia financial and trade cooperation,” an unnamed authorities from the Chinese commerce ministry stated in a declaration on the federal government body’s site.

The authorities stated the restriction isn’t favorable to keeping Australia’s nationwide security and is harming to the interests of the nation’s residents and business.

The advancement might strain relations in between the 2 nations, which had actually begun to enhance previously this year after an extended standoff over trade concerns started to thaw when China raised constraints on Australian coal imports.

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