This Means War, AI !!!
Pissed About ‘Drake Bot’ Doing Ice Spice Track
4/14/2023 11:16 AM PT
728″ height=”546″ src=”https://imagez.tmz.com/image/5e/4by3/2023/04/14/5ee5ed8ec5d5428e8192a6daa90f6910_md.png” loading=”lazy” alt=”drake and ice spice ai getty”> < img width="728"height ="546"src ="https://imagez.tmz.com/image/5e/4by3/2023/04/14/5ee5ed8ec5d5428e8192a6daa90f6910_md.png"loading ="lazy"alt ="drake and ice spice ai getty">
Drake isn’t opting for AI innovation imitating his vocals to rap Ice Spice‘s “Munch” … and now his label, Universal Music Group, intending to remove ALL AI variations of its artists.
On Friday, Drizzy fixed a limit in the sand after his synthetic Ice Spice mashup appeared … calling it the “last straw” in a haystack of synthetic art.
Drake’s response lined up with the brand-new report that UMG required Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal and all streaming platforms obstruct AI variations of their artists and their copyrighted tunes.
Universal Music Group has actually informed streaming platforms, consisting of Spotify and Apple, to obstruct expert system services from scraping tunes and lyrics from their copyrighted tunes https://t.co/wSvrnVjUH9
— Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) April 12, 2023 @FinancialTimes
UMG is calling the clean-up a “ethical and industrial” duty to the market, however not everybody shares the very same pessimism on the subject.
We just recently overtook Bu Thiam an officer at Columbia Records who stated AI might be an innovative tool artists can utilize in the future. He likewise shared the severe truth it may be far too late to put the genie back in the bottle at this moment!!!