Patagonman The Comeback


Patagonman The Comeback

Schermafbeelding 2022 12 12 om 09.19.07 1
Patagonman (Endurance )

Held in 2015, on December 4, 2022, the Patagonman Xtreme Triathlon got under method at the Aysen Fjord in Patagonia , Chile.

Showcasing the tough occasion, a brand-new documentary,’Patagonman The Comeback ‘, has actually been produced. The documentary narrates how taking part professional athletes needed to combat weather at the exact same time that they dealt with a difficult roadway, that included 4 bike sections without any tarmac and hard gravel.

According to the occasion group …‘This documentary takes you on an exhilarating journey of professional athletes contending in among the most tough and beautiful triathlons on the planet. The Comeback catches the essence of human endurance, decision, and strength. It’s a story that will motivate you to press previous your own restrictions and reach your objectives.’

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