Submission standards
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Live Science routinely releases self-employed news, functions and explainer pieces.

The primary step to an effective pitch is to check out stories on our website. We cover whatever from interesting historical discoveries from ancient Egypt, to unusual ancient sea beasts, to wild theories about the birth and death of deep space.

Prior to you pitch us, please read our editorial requirements thoroughly. All pitches need to be emailed to ls-editors@futurenet.comIn the e-mail subject line, consist of the channel you’re pitching, the kind of pitch, a proposed heading and a filing due date.

Test e-mail subject line: PHYSICS NEWS PITCH: Black holes might be even darker than we believed, due date Feb. 23.

Test e-mail subject line: HEALTH NEWS ANALYSIS PITCH: Obesity standards for kids just recently altered. Are they safe?, due date Feb. 11.

Please keep reading to discover how to pitch particular kinds of stories in specific disciplines.

Kinds of stories we accept from freelancers

Newspaper article

When you’re pitching a newspaper article, ask yourself 3 concerns: Is it fascinating? Is it brand-new? Is it crucial? For Live Science to cover a story, it requires to fulfill a minimum of 2 of these 3 requirements. Stories likewise require to record the attention of somebody who has no background in the field. Please ensure you have access to essential images (or keep in mind if we can utilize stock images) for the story.

When you pitch, please consist of a proposed heading for your story, a proposed due date (if it is embargoed, please consist of the embargo time) and a link to the source of your story (such as a research study, news release or news clip). Consist of a couple of sentences describing what the findings are, why they are crucial and why the story is an excellent fit for Live Science. Consist of the number of sources you propose to talk to for the story.

News pitches must disappear than 100 words. News short articles are usually in between 300 and 600 words. Just pitch stories that are presently trending if you can rapidly reverse the copy (typically the exact same day). Embargoed stories or those that have actually been covered less thoroughly might have longer preparations. Newspaper article must cover research studies that have actually been released just recently (in the previous couple of months). Please examine the website prior to pitching, to guarantee we have not currently released the findings.

We generally release lots of newspaper article weekly.

Think piece pieces

Think piece pieces address an engaging concern about a subject in the news. When a bumper crop of UFOs drifted above the U.S., Live Science released an analysis of why they were being found suddenly

Think piece pieces must be less than 1,000 words. We focus on analysis pieces composed by professionals in the field or by reporters who have actually covered a subject thoroughly. To be prompt, think piece pieces need to preferably be released within 2 days of a pitch, so a quick turn-around is crucial. Pitches must consist of a proposed heading, which is normally framed as a concern. The body of the pitch ought to be approximately 100 to 150 words. Pitches ought to explain how you will address the concern and which sources you will get in touch with.

We normally release about one analysis piece each week.

News explainers

News explainers are thorough stories that cover whatever about a subject that has actually remained in the news. When researchers proposed utilizing brain organoids growing in petri meals as biocomputers, Live Science discussed whatever there is to understand about minibrainsAnd when researchers sounded the alarm about the expansion of area scrap, we explained what area scrap is and why it’s a growing issue

Pitches ought to be approximately 100 to 150 words and consist of a proposed heading and a link to the trending news. In your pitch, please describe why the subject benefits an explainer, in addition to a bulleted list of the concerns you will respond to in the story. These concerns are frequently ones typically browsed online.

We usually release one explainer each week or 2. The majority of explainers are composed by personnel, however we likewise commission news explainers from freelancers with deep understanding of the subject they’re pitching.

News includes

News functions are stories of no greater than 2,000 words that respond to a bigger concern or cover a broad modification in a clinical field, such as what researchers have actually found out over the last few years about severe durability. These stories have longer life span than think piece do. We release news functions about when a month, so the bar for accepting a news function from a freelancer is greater than for our other stories.

News function pitches ought to consist of a proposed heading, a sample story map clarifying the story structure, and links to suggested research studies and research study the short article will cover.

Function pitches need to have to do with 300 words and consist of a list of proposed sources to interview. The general rule is that functions need to consist of one interview for each 500 words of text. The majority of functions are composed by Live Science personnel authors, however extremely periodically, we accept pitches from freelancers.

Life’s Little Mysteries

The Life’s Little Mysteries (LLM) series responses interesting concerns about the world around us and the things in it, utilizing evidence-based science to clarify matters huge and little. These secrets are appealing, not tiring or apparent. We report on extremely browsed secrets (e.g., How deep is the Mariana Trench?; How huge can animals get?As unique however engaging ones (e.g., What is the ‘call of deep space’?; Why exist no bridges over the Amazon River?.

LLMs normally have a couple of skilled interviews and point out a variety of research studies. The length has to do with 600 words. We have a list of LLMs we designate, however you are likewise complimentary to pitch. Simply ensure we have not covered the secret.

Pitches need to consist of a proposed heading framed as a concern, body text of no greater than 100 words describing what the response to the concern is, and which sources you mean to get in touch with.

Pitch standards by channel


From towering dinosaurs to lowly”penis fish,” Live Science covers animals both previous and present– and the complete stranger, the much better. Strange or unknown marine animals found at sea or cleaned up onshore are typically strikes with readers, as are stories about unusual fossils and mummies that are not what they appearWe cover discoveries of brand-new types if there is something especially odd, superlative or interesting about them, and constantly prefer stories with outstanding, engaging images or illustrations. Animals that our readers enjoy consist of sharks, spiders, relentless or jaw-dropping dinosaurs and other ancient monsters, unusual sea life, and whales. We generally do not cover animal intelligence or habits research studies, however we make exceptions for particularly odd findings– like these beetles that fling pee with butt catapults


Live Science covers historical discovers that lots of other outlets neglect. Subjects of specific interest to our readers consist of ancient Egyptian discoveries, ancient Roman discovers, treasure stockpiles, sensational facial restorations and sunken battleships. We likewise report on sociology findings about human development and ancient human genes.

Live Science covers science, not history, so archaeology stories must utilize some clinically vetted method to clarify the past. We might compose about archaeologists utilizing lidar to expose surprise Maya cities below the rain forestor radiocarbon dating or isotope analysis to comprehend who is buried in an Iron Age burial place. We likewise report on significant discoveries discovered in conventional historical excavations, such as this ancient Roman ‘spike’ defense made well-known by Julius Caesar or this huge ritualistic sword discovered in Japan that was utilized to fend off fiends


By and big, Live Science covers health research studies and medical trials carried out in human beings, not animals. Unusual exceptions are produced animal research studies that expose especially unexpected illness systems or that include engaging experiments that might not morally be carried out in people. We cover medical conditions and research study findings that have significance to a large audience or that discuss an essential or interesting system in the body. (If researchers find a formerly unidentified body part, that’s absolutely one to pitch!)

Whenever possible, the research studies included in our health stories must consist of a great deal of individuals (constantly more than 10, however depending upon the health condition, hundreds, thousands or perhaps numerous thousands). We focus on covering medical trials that are randomized and placebo-controlled over observational trials. We do in some cases cover preprints (which have actually not yet been peer-reviewed), however in doing so, we constantly have professionals weigh in on the cautions of the work.

We likewise cover uncommon case reports. Generally, these reports highlight an uncommon or unidentified medical condition, such as the case of magic mushrooms growing in a guy’s blood after he consumed a psychedelic tea.

Live Science readers are especially thinking about viral illness and unexpected findings on COVID-19, such as COVID-19 blending our fight-or-flight reaction; brand-new body parts or cell types, like this long-sought immune cell that researchers just recently discovered; parasitic illness; reproductive health; sleep; hereditary research study; and healing usages for psychedelics.

Human Behavior

Live Science’s human habits stories mainly illuminate why people find out and act the method we do. These short articles may dig into how memories are saved in the brain; why tension can hinder our capability to believe and carry out jobs; and even how researchers specify awareness (if they actually can).

Broadly, this vertical incorporates subjects in psychology and neuroscience that would not always count as health-related. (Neurological illness, for instance, would fall under our health area.)

A number of our most popular human habits stories expose something interesting or uncommon about the method the brain works– for example, how a memory technique utilized by Sherlock Holmes truly workshow the brain utilizes a universal language network and what occurs in gymnasts’ brains when they get the “twisties.”


At Live Science, we cover whatever from the smallest subatomic particles that comprise the universes to the greatest structures in deep space. Our readers are amazed by stories about how deep space started and is most likely to end, about the scary physics of quantum mechanics, the arrow of time and the physics of great voids

Physics stories that are especially effective address an essential concern about deep space– for instance, why we are here, what deep space is made from, and what laws govern matter.

We do not cover incremental technological developments, however we do release stories about really transformative modifications that will have a big effect on the world.

World Earth

At Live Science, we are captivated by significant geologic shifts that change EarthThese might consist of subjects like significant earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the surprise characteristics of Earth’s interior. Stories about brand-new minerals carried from deep inside the world Earth’s surprise 8th continentand huge weather condition patterns have actually been a struck with readers.

Live Science likewise covers significant research studies on environment modification and how it will affect the world in the futureWe do not cover stories that raise hesitation about human impact on environment modification.


Live Science readers discover stories about near-Earth asteroids, meteor strikes, the physics of the sun and discoveries on Mars especially intriguing. Stories that emphasize beautiful celestial items or discoveries of incredible brand-new area structures are likewise specifically remarkable to readers, particularly when accompanied by an amazing telescope image or engaging illustration. Live Science readers are captivated by great voids, like this runaway great void speeding through the galaxyalong with brand-new discoveries about our house galaxy, such as the James Webb telescope discovering the Milky Way’s twinWe likewise cover significant skywatching occasions, such as overall eclipses, meteor showers and big planetary combinations.

We do not cover small shuttle bus launches, however we do report on significant objectives, such as the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, the Artemis program and the Double Asteroid Redirection Test.

We likewise cover reputable news about UFO/UAP reports, along with advancements in the look for extraterrestrial life. We do not succumb to sensationalism or conspiracy theories, however if an unproven theory removes in the mainstream media, we will release periodic debunker or explainer posts, such as this piece discussing what UFOs flying over Ukraine most likely are

Tia is the handling editor and was formerly a senior author for Live Science. Her work has actually appeared in Scientific American, and other outlets. She holds a master’s degree in bioengineering from the University of Washington, a graduate certificate in science composing from UC Santa Cruz and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Tia belonged to a group at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that released the Empty Cradles series on preterm births, which won numerous awards, consisting of the 2012 Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism.

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