The Download: poisonous chemicals, and Russia’s cyberwar techniques

Plus: AI coding tools might become a crucial tech battlefield

This is today’s edition of The Downloadour weekday newsletter that supplies a day-to-day dosage of what’s going on the planet of innovation.

We’re taking in harmful chemicals. Now we require to find out how they’re impacting us.

What are chemical contaminants doing to our bodies? It’s a prompt concern considered that recently, individuals in Philadelphia cleared grocery racks of mineral water after a hazardous leakage from a chemical plant spilled into a tributary of the Delaware River, a source of drinking water for 14 million individuals. And it was just last month that a train bring a suite of other dangerous products thwarted in East Palestine, Ohio, letting loose an unidentified amount of harmful chemicals.There’s no doubt that we are contaminating the world. In order to learn how these contaminants may be impacting our own bodies, we require to exercise how we are exposed to them. Which chemicals are we breathing in, consuming, and absorbing? And just how much? The field of exposomics, which looks for to study our direct exposure to contaminants, to name a few aspects, might assist to offer us some much-needed responses. Check out the complete story.

— Jessica Hamzelou

This story is from The Checkup, Jessica’s weekly biotech newsletter. Register to get it in your inbox every Thursday.

Learn more:

+ The poisonous chemicals all around usMeet Nicolette Bugher, a scientist working to expose the toxins hiding in our environment and find what they suggest for human health. Check out the complete story.

+ Developing a much better chemical factory– out of microorganismsTeacher Kristala Jones Prather is assisting to turn microorganisms into effective manufacturers of wanted chemicals. Check out the complete story.

+ Microplastics are tinkering the microbiomes of seabirdsThe next action is to exercise what this may indicate for their health– and ours. Check out the complete story.

The must-reads

I’ve combed the web to discover you today’s most fun/important/scary/ remarkable stories about innovation.

1 Inside Russia’s deceptive cyberwarfare techniques
A whistleblower has actually raised the cover on the nation’s hacking and disinformation approaches. (The Guardian)
+ Ukrainian hackers declare to have actually penetrated a Russian colonel’s accounts. (Motherboard)
+ Russia is running the risk of the production of a “splinternet.” (MIT Technology Review)

2 There’s an AI coding war developing
Guaranteeing designers get their hands on the very best AI tools might become the next significant tech battlefield. (Wired $)
+ Tesla has actually produced an instant AI hazard to mankind. (Slate $)

3 Extremist material is prospering on Twitter’s For You page
Its algorithms are magnifying despiteful and racist material, too. (WP $)
+ The business will not charge its leading marketers for blue checks. (NYT $)

4 The increase and increase of authorities monitoring tech
Nations in the Middle East and beyond are following China’s lead. (NYT $)
+ How United States cops utilize counterterrorism cash to purchase spy tech. (MIT Technology Review)

5 India is on the hunt for brand-new effective spyware
The infamous Pegasus system is too popular, so authorities are expanding their search. (FEET $)
+ Twitter is censoring users who slam the Indian prime minister. (The Intercept)

6 Virgin Orbit is stopping operations
Richard Branson’s distressed rocket business stopped working to protect much-needed financing. (CNBC)

7 Streaming algorithms aren’t constructed to deal with symphonic music
Apple is positive it has an option. (WSJ $)

8 These start-ups wish to make it simpler to purchase home
That’s typically problem for occupants. (Wired $)

9 Who are online service courses truly benefiting?
It’s an exceptionally financially rewarding profession course for the smart developers behind them. (Vox)
+ There’s a brand-new anime dating video game that concurrently does your taxes. (TechCrunch)

10 The woolly massive meatball is a gigantic PR stunt
Who could have thought? (The Atlantic $)
+ Just how much would you pay to see a woolly massive? (MIT Technology Review)

Quote of the day

“It was all held together with duct tape.”

— A confidential previous Twitter worker explains the creaking system propping up the business’s blue checks to the Washington Post.

The huge story

Should our company believe in– or perhaps desire– immortality?

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October 2022

Twenty years have actually passed given that author Jonathan Weiner initially fulfilled Aubrey de Grey, the guy with the Methuselah beard. At that time, Aubrey was currently a True Believer in the mission for immortality. And he wasn’t yet a male in disgrace.

Weiner initially fulfilled Aubrey in 2002, when Aubrey was still working as a computer system developer in the Department of Genetics at the University of Cambridge. He quickly ended up being a nonreligious master, a prophet of immortality– to the extreme inconvenience of the majority of the researchers in the aging field.

Aubrey’s passion to encourage followers they might live for centuries, centuries, or even longer, raises relevant concerns about what it is to desire something we might not even think in. Check out the complete story.

We can still have good things

A location for convenience, enjoyable and interruption in these unusual times. (Got any concepts? Drop me a line or tweet ’em at me)

+ The roots of guitar music run far much deeper than the birth of rock n roll.
+ Here’s whatever you’ve ever needed to know about stars: including what takes place after they pass away.
+ The world’s earliest cities are improving with age.
+ What’s cooler than being cool? Birdwatching, that’s what.
+ Why did waterbeds never ever remove? They’re remarkably high upkeep.

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